Which Diet?
I swear every source on IBD & Crohn's has a different recommended diet. Some of these diets are polar opposites of each other. Each have small studies to back up their conclusions.
Specific Carbohydrate Diet
Mediterranean Diet
Low Fiber Diet
Low Residue Diet
Gluten Free
Paleo Diet
IBD Remission Diet (this one makes me laugh, and then cramp up hard style) - https://www.uhhospitals.org/services/Digestive-health-services/Conditions-and-treatments/small-and-large-intestine/inflammatory-bowel-disease/diet-guide
Low Fodmap diet
IBD-AID - https://www.umassmed.edu/nutrition/ibd/ibdaid/
Microbiome aware diets - a Whole biome approach, including both; eukaryotic cells and bacteria.
Processed foods vs "industrialized foods": Processed can be anything from cooking to adding ingredients fermenting etc.
Industrialized foods(This is gonna be a loose term for a while) are foods made from lowest bidder ingredients, on a factory floor, using chemical forms of ingredients that may be synthetic, such as as artificial dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers, low cost analogs. Things which you cannot make on your own or peers like you. With a wide shotgun I'm painting these things as negative by my experience and the experience of others I know going through the same thing. Which preservatives, which emulsifiers? I don't know yet.
Which diet works for inflamed gut and dysbiotic microbiome?
My hypothesis: Eating trash everyday from the lowest bidder takes a toll on the gut. We only started eating mass produced trash in the last 100 years (cite sources). We are still learning how this diet effects humanity. For me, I feel horrible eating processed and fast foods. And the reason these diets above work for so many people is; any type of diet that gets you eating quality food is going to help you feel better.
If I'm on a low fodmap diet and you are on a Mediterranean diet and we both are feeling less symptoms. Is it the types of food, or just the quality of food in general? I am on low fodmap, my buddy is on one that has more refined carbs white bread etc. He feels better, I feel better. (I will get more specifics of his diet for this)
Do certain foods trigger symptoms?
Do certain foods soothe symptoms?