Food Marketing :: Organic - GMO - Free Range

 Organic sounds and feels good, is it any different?

I don't know yet, Kurzgesagt is a source I enjoy and trust because they make videos that explain the situation, and interestingly they make points that say organic is not better for you or the planet.

GMO - Genetically Modified Organism

off the cuff, I'm going to say GMO's make life better. Pest resistance and fortifying with vitamins has made food available and fresh for people to eat around the world. 

Humans have been breeding plants and animals to be show the traits we want since the beginning of agriculture, it is agriculture. Growing food to meet a certain expectation. 

Some sources other than Kurzgesagt

Chicken marketing terms

Caged: Hens are confined to cages with a 67-square inch space each. They never see the light of day and consume a corn or soy diet. Over 90 percent of eggs in the U.S. come from hens that are kept in cages for their entire egg-laying lives.

Cage-Free: These ladies have more room than caged hens, since each is given less than 1 square foot. Still, they’re not entirely “free,” since they’re confined to barns and consume a corn or soy diet.

Free-Range: Allotted less than 2 square feet per hen, these animals have more space than their caged and cage-free peers, but they don’t get outdoors as much as you may think. Some seldom get to see the light of day and many eat a corn- or soy-based feed.

Pasture-Raised: These ladies are given at least 108 square feet each and consume some feed and lots of grass, bugs, worms and anything else they can find in the dirt. They tend to be let out of the barns early in the morning and called back in before nightfall.

"HFAC. Article explains difference between pasture-raised and free-range eggs". Certifiedhumane.Org, 2022, Accessed 12 Aug 2022.