
Showing posts from September, 2022

Gaia hypothesis

  "The Earth System behaves as a single, self-regulating system with physical, chemical, biological, and human components." the biosphere may multiply in the future by colonizing other planets, as humankind may be the primer by which Gaia will reproduce

bacteria body cloud

 Just as humans have evolved over millions of years through natural selection, our microbiome has evolved alongside us and perhaps it has done so in a longstanding codependent partnership.  "discovered 60 microbial strains that, between and within countries, have evolutionary histories in parallel with human phylogenies, indicating codiversification. " "Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc.Sep 15 2022. Strains within gut microbial species codiversified with human populations, study finds". Www.News-medical.Net, 2022, Accessed 19 Sep 2022. Where does the human body end? If the microbiomes on our body our codependent, perhaps even symbiotic, than where our skin ends, bacteria begin.  and where do the bacteria surrounding our body end?

Acne Vulgaris

 My whole life I had pimples mostly around my nose and above cheeks. My pores are filled with little tiny nodules that are mostly unnoticeable but if I squeeze my skin lots of puss would come out. Even now as I become a middle aged man I still would get pimples, and big thick ones that never rise to the surface. Just hot little painful bumps. forehead face, and shoulders. Since I have changed my diet, almost all of that has gone away. I have no matured face pimples, no  sub cutaneous growths. Knock on wood they seemed to have calmed down. Interesting article on Acne and it's predominance in Western Civilization Cordain L, Lindeberg S, Hurtado M, Hill K, Eaton SB, Brand-Miller J. Acne Vulgaris :  A Disease of Western Civilization .  Arch Dermatol.  2002;138(12):1584–1590. doi:10.1001/archderm.138.12.1584  

Derry Luwak Coffee

 You've heard of Kopi Luwak? The most illusive and rare coffee in the world... Well, now there's Derry Luwak, this coffee is pretty rare too. It's not as civet-digested but it's well curated by a miniature poodle, and that means quality. I hand roast the beans in extremely small batch conditions. 


 Ginger Daddyz Shredded Carrots

Free Will

 From the moment we are born we are contingent on the exterior world for survival. Our bodies react to the outside world involuntarily. For example, the sight, smell, and taste of food initiate long reflexes that begin with a sensory neuron delivering a signal to the medulla oblongata. The response to the signal is to stimulate cells in the stomach to begin secreting digestive juices in preparation for incoming food.  OpenStax. Digestive System Processes and Regulation". Cnx.Org, 2022, Accessed 1 Sep 2022.